nightime kayaking

Texas Monthly Recommends: Our Full Moon Paddle

Ben Rowen, associate editor for Texas Monthly, highlighted Rowing Dock’s full moon paddle as part of his series – Texas Monthly Recommends. 

An excerpt from his piece below: 

Nighttime kayaking provides the standard joys of kayaking—feeling the water splash against your hands, gliding without disturbing the world beneath you—sans the pains of the daytime: sunburn, daily commitments, others paddleboarding nearby while playing pop songs at the noise level of a nightclub, etc. In lieu of a starry sky, the city’s skyline provides the light to guide you. Being on the lake at night is the closest thing to silence you can find in a city. Make sure to bring your own lights and go with others if possible, for safety. In the summer, Rowing Dock offers guided full-moon paddles.

Kayaking exercises both the body and the atrophying mind. It’s not quite a jaunt to Walden Pond, but it sure beats the Jersey Shore.

For those that haven’t experienced kayaking or paddle boarding at night, add our full moon paddles to your bucket list. Seeing the Austin skyline lit up from the water is truly a memory you won’t forget. 
Check out our Happenings page or Full Moon Paddle page for the latest updates!Â